Passion II

Rave: Passion II

Date: Saturday, 29 April 1995

Production: Front Left Corner (flc)

Venue: Graffiti Hall of Fame, 282 Botany Rd Alexandria

DJs: Pee Wee, Paul Holden, Nik Fish, Reaver, Jade, Chester, Herb, Akira, Vagas, Jim Jams, Asterix, Squidger, Spellbound, Vic, Nick TT, Q-Tek

Description: Ray's Reviews - Passion II: This was a free rave, close to the city, so as you might expect it was absolutely packed with people. The Graffiti Hall Of Fame is a basketball court with a couple of rooms in shelter. The walls are covered in grafitti paintings. There were two rooms and both were crammed with people. The main area was outside on a basketball court and there were stairs leading to the DJ mixing area. There was also an old Volkswagen that people were dancing on top of that had been brought in especially. A laser covered the people throughout the night.